
Scouts - Humans

 Card 309

  • The Scouts

    Scouts are specialists in trails and hunting; knowledgeable about survival resources; they cross great distances through different types of paths like deserts and jungles; capable of approaching the enemy camp sufficiently, without being seen, to gather strategic information such as: position and approximately types and quantities of warriors, war cars move, if there are horses and how many, generals are identified, the speed with which they move etc ..

    Scouts are sent to gather information from the enemy, how many cards are being sent, types of cards: how many warriors, beings, magical creatures, resources, etc.
    The scouts follow alone, but if you have more than 1 scout, you can send them in different directions to collect information from different opponents.

    * It is important to have a general or wise counselor to guide them in the missions.


Battle Area:

  1. Water = 00
  2. Earth = 45
  3. Heaven = 05

Attack and Defense

  1. Wisdom = 00
  2. Dexterity and Strength = 20
  3. Powers = 00

  4. Fire = 00


NUC Cards is a board game. With trays representing the opponents' lands and the battlefield.
The characters exist timelessly. In one era, historical, mythological and literary characters meet in this game.
An epic oxygen game of great kings, notable warriors, heroes and anti-heroes, mighty magicians and gods between creatures and beings ...
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Scouts - Humans

A society of host warriors who do not bow before established empires.

The Scouts are very effective, capable of fighting as a team.
The Scouts in our story can group together for each mission, with no card limits.


The Scouts

Scouts are a resource used since the beginning of the first major generals wars.

Beaters are experts in trails and hunting, connoisseurs of survival resources, cross great distances through different types of paths like deserts and jungles. able spies, able to approach sufficiently enemy enemy camp to gather strategic information as: position and approximately types and quantities of warriors, war chariots move, if you have horses and how many, identify generals, the speed with which they move etc.



* Fictional character created by and for NUC Cards.

Frica is an extremely intelligent teenager, adapts quickly to any environment.

It has an incredible ability to camouflage itself.

She is able to enter the enemy's camp and circle, raising more details, without being seen.





NUC Cards ® 2019
Reasoning and strategy.
An advanced game of underground strategy in generation.

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