Gods - Egyptian Mythology
Card 515
Battle Area:
- Water = 00
- Earth = 20
- Heaven = 00
Attack and Defense
- Wisdom = 10
- Dexterity and Strength = 60
- Powers = 30
- Fire = 20
Gods - Egyptian Mythology
Seth, também referido como Set (em egípcio antigo: stẖ; em grego clássico: Σήθ; transl.: Séth), Setesh, Sutekh, Setekh ou Suty, é um deus egípcio do caos, da seca, da guerra, o senhor da terra vermelha (deserto) onde ele era o equilíbrio para o papel de Hórus como o senhor da terra negra (solo).
Seth, also referred to as Seth, is an Egyptian god of chaos, of drought, of war, the lord of the earth (in ancient Egyptian: stẖ; in Greek classic: Σήθ; transl .: Séth), Setesh, Sutekh, red (desert) where he was the balance for the role of Horus as the lord of the black earth (solo).
In myths, Seth is the god of confusion, disorder and disturbance, which is emphasized by the hieroglyphic writing in which Seth's animal serves as a determinant of negative concepts (authoritarianism, fury, cruelty, crisis, tumult, disaster, suffering, disease , storm). Master of thunder and lightning, he exercises his power on the shores of Egypt, which are desert lands, arid areas and countries off the Nile plain. Seth is a complex god.
Its disordered power, however, contributes to cosmic balance. According to the Egyptian view, the destructive forces are in constant struggle against the positive forces. In this sense, Seti opposes his brother Osiris, symbol of fertile and nutritious land. From the texts of the pyramids, Seti is the eternal rival of Horus. During a fight, he licks the eye of his opponent who, in turn, hurts his balls. The antagonism of the two gods illustrates the dual nature of the pharaoh that unites these two opposing but complementary forces. If Horus is the god of the pharaonic order, the irrational power of Seti participates in real symbolism as an image of the violent and unleashed force that the king unfolds against his enemies. Protector of Ra, Seti fights against the snake Apophis and thus participates in the proper functioning of the world. Though disturbing and tied to indiscriminately destructive forces, Set, however, is more of a trickster than an evil demon, at least in ancient myths.
It is only from the Third Intermediate Period that the image of Seti permanently tarnishes, perhaps in response to the successive acquisitions of various foreign peoples over the Kingdom of Egypt. Set, associated with foreign powers, becomes the evil agent of the loss of the country. Myths about Seti portray him as ambitious, intriguing, manipulative, focusing on the murder of his brother Osiris. He is gradually confused with Apophis, the serpent of chaos, despite the ancient tradition that he fought against him in the name of Ra. The Greek world identified it with Typhon, the primordial monster of chaos and a comparable entity of evil.
In the Book of the Dead, Seti is called "The Lord of the Heavens of the North" and is held responsible for storms and bad weather. The story of the long conflict between Seti and Horus is seen by some as a representation of a great battle between cults in Egypt whose victorious cult may have turned the god of the enemy cult into a god of evil.
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