
Prophets - Human

Card 516

  • Great Prophets
    Prophets are characters that can change the course of our story.

    The prophecies are reserved exclusively for the prophets (neither gods, nor mages, nor priests, nor necromancers, nor seers or any person who does not exercise the authority of prophet, can create prophecies)
    Note: For a prophecy to be made or fulfilled, the presence of a prophet is necessary.

    *  The Prophecies

    For a prophecy to be cast, it is enough for a prophet to predict it.
    For a prophecy to be fulfilled, it is necessary that the elements that compose it are in tune.
    Eg: The enemy will sink before our lands.
    In this case, it is necessary for an enemy ship or fleet to enter its waters. This is the alignment that will make the prophecy come true: nature will be moved by the force of prophecy and will make it fulfilled.  


Battle Area:

  1. Water = 00
  2. Earth = 25
  3. Heaven = 00

Attack and Defense

  1. Wisdom = 35
  2. Dexterity and Strength = 00
  3. Powers = 35

  4. Fire = 00



NUC Cards is a board game. With trays representing the opponents' lands and the battlefield.
The characters exist timelessly. In one era, historical, mythological and literary characters meet in this game.
An epic oxygen game of great kings, notable warriors, heroes and anti-heroes, mighty magicians and gods between creatures and beings ...
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Prophets - Human

Cras, known as the one who sees tomorrow, was born in the desert.

Her parents were hermits. And he learned from them to read the stars, climate changes, and the reaction of animals and plants.

In this way, I predicted things like:

• harvest reaction;
• Multiplication or scarcity of animals;
• Water and vegetation.

The Cras evolved because he understood that linking these readings could predict precise events, about wars, conquests, defeats, etc.





NUC Cards ® 2019
Reasoning and strategy.
An advanced game of underground strategy in generation.

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