Black Angel

Powers - Evocation

  Card 405

  • Spirit called by magic (not materials).

    * Magic imagined by and for NUC Cards.

    Spirit called by the ancient knowledge of evocation.

    They are beings of the spiritual plane called by great magicians. Knowledge recorded in the scrolls of possession magic.


Battle Area:

  1. Water = 00
  2. Earth = 00
  3. Heaven = 35

Attack and Defense

  1. Wisdom = 00
  2. Dexterity and Strength = 40
  3. Powers = 00

  4. Fire = 00


NUC Cards is a board game. With trays representing the opponents' lands and the battlefield.
The characters exist timelessly. In one era, historical, mythological and literary characters meet in this game.
An epic oxygen game of great kings, notable warriors, heroes and anti-heroes, mighty magicians and gods between creatures and beings ...
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Spirit of War

Powers - Evocation

* Magic imagined by and for NUC Cards.

1 card of this power has range power over 1 spirit, to have control over more spirit is needed more cards of this power.

Spirits are evoked by very powerful gods or magicians.

* Evocation is a knowledge capable of calling very powerful spirits

The evoked spirits are blindly obedient to their masters and have great power of destruction.

* But these spirits are held in the material plane by the dense magic of the book of the power of their masters or power of the gods, and can be overcome or destroyed like this:

  1. For superiority during battle in battle;
  2. By the breaking of the spell;
  3. By separating between power book and opposing magician,
  4. By mortal injury or death of the opposing god or wizard. (although gods can not be killed)



When time was not yet counted, lesser deities plotted to take the kingdom of their god. What started a battle between angels.

These rebel angels became known as black angels.

And it is possible to materialize an angel of these, through the knowledge of the magic of evocation.


NUC Cards ® 2019
Reasoning and strategy.
An advanced game of underground strategy in generation.

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