Sir Kay

Knights - Humans

 Card 502

  • Knights of the Round Table

    The Knights of the Round Table are from a very evolved society in the art of war.

    At the beginning of our history, although they follow different causes and can fight against each other, these knights are bound to the king of prophecy and will follow him. This king is Arthur.
    Note: When a knight and Arthur meet, the knight will know that he must follow him.

    * These knights, when they follow the same cause, can group to the attack.
    (but if they run into Arthur, they will pass by immediately.)


Battle Area:

  1. Water = 00
  2. Earth = 25
  3. Heaven = 00

Attack and Defense

  1. Wisdom = 10
  2. Dexterity and Strength = 30
  3. Powers = 00

  4. Fire = 00


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The characters exist timelessly. In one era, historical, mythological and literary characters meet in this game.
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Sir Kay

  • Knights of the Round Table

Kay is always present in Arthurian literature, but rarely does anything other than be a braggart to the other characters. Although he manipulates the king for his purposes, his loyalty to Arthur is not questioned. In "Vulgate Cycle", "Post-Vulgate" and "Le Morte d'Arthur" by Malory, Kay's father, Hector adopts little Arthur after Merlin takes him from his parents, Uther and Igraine.

Hector creates them as brothers, but Arthur's offspring are revealed when he removes the Stone Sword at a tournament in London. Arthur served as a squire to Kay, newly appointed as a knight, when he lost his brother's sword and used the Stone Sword to replace it. Kay, with his characteristic opportunism, tries to call himself the act of removing the sword from the stone, becoming King of the Bretons, but yields and admits that it was Arthur who had withdrawn his sword. Kay eventually becomes one of the first knights of the Round Table and serves his adoptive brother as a squire for the rest of his life.

Kay's father is called Hector in recent literature, but in Welsh tales he is named as Cynyr Fork-Beard. Chrétien de Troyes mentions that he had a son named Gronosis, who was versed in evil, while the Welshman gives him a son and a daughter called Garanwyn and Celemon. Romances rarely appear in Kay's life with the exception of Girart d'Amiens' Scout, who details her love for Northumbria's Andrivete, in which she must defend her from her uncle's political machinations before they marry.





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