Submerged Prison

Powers - Matter

  Card 480

  • The Prison.

    * Fictional power created by and for NUC Cards.

    Prison is the power over matter to completely entrap the enemy inside the solid, liquid or gaseous.

    Environment: Liquid.

    Note: Gods and Titans are immune to this power.

    It is a knowledge of magic dominated by gods or great magicians, recorded on the parchments of the manipulation of matter.

    The manipulation of matter registers in its scrolls, many resources, such as: control over phenomena of nature, telekinesis, abduction, paralysis, transformation, etc..








Submerged Prison

Powers - Matter

* Fictional power created by and for NUC Cards.

1 card of this power has range power over 1 character or object, to have control over more characters or objects you need more cards of this power.

The character achieved by this power is completely immobilized and out of combat, without movements or gestures. It can be easily injured and killed.

Note: Gods and Titans are immune to this power.

It is a knowledge of magic dominated by gods or great magicians.

* But this magic is sustained by the dense magic of the book of the power of its masters or power of the gods, and can be destroyed or overcome like this:

  1. For superiority during battle in battle;
  2. By the breaking of the spell;
  3. By separating between power book and opposing magician,
  4. By mortal injury or death of the opposing god or wizard. (although gods can not be killed).






NUC Cards ® 2019
Reasoning and strategy.
An advanced game of underground strategy in generation.


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