

Creatures - Sphinxes


 Card 331

Battle Area:

  1. Water = 00
  2. Earth = 20
  3. Heaven = 30

Attack and Defense

  1. Wisdom = 50
  2. Dexterity and Strength = 20
  3. Powers = 10

  4. Fire = 00



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Creatures - Sphinxes

It would be the Beocian form of Sphinx, in Greek 'Shínks', which comes, by popular etymology, from the verb 'sphinguein', to wrap, squeeze, compress, suffocate.

This monster was sent by Hera, the protector of the legitimate loves, against Thebes, to punish the city of the crime of Laio, that kidnapped to Crisipo, son of Pielops, introducing in the Hélade the pederastia.

Female monstrosity, with the face and, sometimes, breasts of a woman, breast, legs and lion's tail and endowed with wings. The Sphinx figures above all in the Oedipus myth and the Theban cycle. This monster was sent by Hera, the protector of the legitimate loves, against Thebes, to punish the city of the crime of Laio, that kidnapped to Crisipo, son of Pielops, introducing in the Hélade the pederastia. Published on Mount Fricion, near the city, devastated the country, devouring as many as you can afford. Normally he proposed a single and even enigma to passers-by, and he had already exterminated many, because no one yet deciphers it.

It was then that Oedipus appeared and the "cruel singer" (Sphinx proposed the enigma singing) asked her the classic question: "What is the one who walks in the morning with four paws, at noon with two and in the afternoon with three and which, contrary to general law, is weaker when it has more members? " Oedipus immediately replied, "It is man, for when he is a little boy, he crawls over the four limbs, and when he is an adult, he uses both legs, and in old age he walks on a staff." When the Sphinx had vanquished, it fell from a rock and died.

Claude Lévi-Strauss focused on the myth of Oedipus and obviously tried to give, if not an interpretation, at least a definition of the "cruel singer" of Thebes. Gathering the phrases and concepts of the exceptional French scholar, one might arrive anthropologically at a definition of the Sphinx: "Monstro-female kthion, with an inverted sign, a symbol of man's autochthonousness, a monster that violated the youngsters if they did not decipher the riddle, but which, once defeated and destroyed, shows that the human being was born not only from the female, but from the competition of this with the male. " Where, the decipherment of the enigma, represents of this the victory of the patrilinhagem on the matrilinhagem. In fact, both the dragon and the Sphinx symbolize man's autochthonousness. Overcome by man, they attest to the denial of this autochthony.

For Delcourt, the mythical being, which the Greeks called the Sphinx, was created by them on the basis of two superimposed determinations: physiological reality, that is, the oppressive nightmare and the religious spirit, that is, belief in the souls of the dead represented with wings. These two conceptions came to merge, since they possessed and still possess certain common features, especially the erotic character and the idea that when nightmares and ghosts are mastered, the winner receives, as a gift from them, treasures, talismans and kingdoms.

The Sphinx is, therefore, the junction of two aspects: oppressive nightmare and terror infused by the souls of the dead.





NUC Cards ® 2019
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