

Beings - Harpies


Card 329

Battle Area:

  1. Water = 05
  2. Earth = 10
  3. Heaven = 30

Attack and Defense

  1. Wisdom = 10
  2. Dexterity and Strength = 20
  3. Powers = 10

  4. Fire = 00



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Beings - Harpies

The harpies (Greek, αρπυια) are creatures of Greek mythology, often depicted as birds of prey with a woman's face and breasts. In the story of Jason, the harpies were sent to punish the blind Thracian king, Fineu, stealing his food at every meal.

The Argonauts Zetes and Calais, sons of Boreas and Ortia, freed Phineas from the horsemen, who, in thanksgiving, showed Jason and the Argonauts the way to pass through the Simplégades. Aeneas and his companions, after the fall of Troy, on their journey to Italy, stopped on the island of the harpies; killed animals from their flocks, attacked them when they stole the flesh, and heard one of the terrible harpy prophecies about the rest of their journey.

According to Hesiod, the harpies were sisters of Iris, daughters of Taumante and the oceanic Electra, and their names were Aelo, Celeno (the obscura) and Ocípete (the fast in flight). Higino lists the sons of Taumante and Electra as Iris and the harpies, Celeno, Ocípete and Aelo, but soon after, he gives the harpies as daughters of Taumante and Oxomene.

The harpies are referred to in Virgil's Aeneid as residing in the Estrófades, a small archipelago of the Ionian sea, at the entrance of the Orcus, or in a grotto in Crete, by Apollonius.

Celeno (Κελαινώ) is a harpy whose name in Greek means "the obscure." It is also called Podarge (Ροδάργη). In other versions instead of harpy, Celeno one of the seven Pleiades, daughter of Atlas and Pleione.

One of the Harpies is called Podarge and, due to its union with Zephyrus, the god of the West Wind, was the mother of Balius and Xanthus, the horses of Achilles.

The rainbow goddess / messenger Iris (sister of the Harpies) is sometimes also called Podarge.

Podarces was the birth name of Priam. He changed after buying his life from Heracles with a gold veil embroidered by his sister, Hesione. Priam was interpreted as "rescued" by folk etymology.



NUC Cards ® 2019
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An advanced game of underground strategy in generation.