
Gods - Valkyries


Card 317

Battle Area:

  1. Water = 10
  2. Earth = 20
  3. Heaven = 30

Attack and Defense

  1. Wisdom = 10
  2. Dexterity and Strength = 20
  3. Powers = 30

  4. Fire = 10



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Gods - Valkyries

The word valkyrie derives from the old Norse valkyrja (plural valkyrjur), which is composed of two words; the noun valr (which refers to the dead in battle) and the verb kjósa (meaning "to choose"). Together, they mean "choosing the dead." The old Norse valkyrja is a cognate of the old English wælcyrge. Other terms for valkyries include óskmey (old Norse "desired servant"), appear in the poem Oddrúnargrátr and Óðins meyjar (old Norse "servant of Odin"), appears in Nafnaþulur. Óskmey may be related to the name of Odin Óski (Old Norse, meaning approx. "Ombudsman's wish"), referring to the fact that Odin hosted dead warriors in Valhalla.

The original valkyries were Brunhilda ("battle correspondent"), Sigrun ("rune of victory"), Skogul ("battle"), Prour ("power"), Herfjotur ("war fetter"), Raogrior god "), Gunnr (" battle lance "), Skuld (" that which transforms "), Sigrdrifa (" storm of victory "), Svava, Hrist (" the agitator "), Skeggjold "), Hildr (" battle "), Hlokk (" battle crash "), Goll (" battle cry "), Randgrior (" peace shield "), Reginleif that causes tumult ") and Gondul (" enchanted wand "or" werewolf ").

Reginleif, in Norse mythology, is a Valkyrie, whose name means "Inheritance of the Gods". Reginleif served Odin by capturing the souls of warriors for his armies in Valhalla. For unknown reasons, Reginleif fell into disgrace and hoped to redeem himself in Odin's eyes by postponing Ragnarok.



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