
Creatures - Greek Mythology


 Card 119

Battle Area:

  1. Water = 00
  2. Earth = 40
  3. Heaven = 20

Attack and Defense

  1. Wisdom = 10
  2. Dexterity and Strength = 45
  3. Powers = 10

  4. Fire = 20



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Creatures - Greek Mythology 

Chimaera is a mystical figure characterized by a hybrid appearance of two or more animals and the ability to fire through the nostrils, thus being a mythological beast or beast.


Origin and Evolution

Originating from Anatolia and whose type arose in Greece during the 7th century BC, it always exerted attraction on the popular imaginary. According to the most widespread version of the legend, the chimera was a monstrous product of the union between Equidna - half woman, half serpent - and the gigantic Typhoon.

Other legends make her daughter of the hydra of Lerna and of the lion of Nemeia, that were killed by Hercules. Created by the king of the Cária, later it would devastate this kingdom and the one of Lycia stoking fire incessantly, until the hero Bellerophon, mounted on the winged horse Pegasus, managed to kill it.

Over time, chimera has been generically called every fantastic monster employed in architectural decoration.

In Alchemy, it is an artificial being (just like the homunculus), created from the fusion of a human being and animal.

Figuratively or in broader popular language, the term chimera refers to any fantastic, absurd or monstrous composition, consisting of disparate or incongruent elements, also meaning utopia. The word chimera, by derivation of meaning, also means the product of imagination, a dream or fantasy (for example: The Golden Chimera).


His appearance is described differently in various mythological narratives or in the plastic arts. For example:

Head and body of a lion, with two adjoining heads, one of a goat and one of a dragon, or a goat's head, fire from the nostrils and a serpent's tail and a lion's tail, two wings, like a dragon's , attached to his lion's body, although apparently not flying, some legends or mythologies mention being able to fly.





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