
Heroes - Humans


 Card 077

Battle Area:

  1. Water = 10
  2. Earth = 50
  3. Heaven = 12

Attack and Defense

  1. Wisdom = 40
  2. Dexterity and Strength = 90
  3. Powers = 20

  4. Fire = 15



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Heroes - Humans 


Hercules (Greek: Ηρακλής) is the Latin name given by the ancient Romans to the hero of Greek mythology Heracles, son of Zeus (Jupiter to the Romans) and the mortal Alcmena. Ancient Roman sources indicate that the "imported" Greek hero came to replace a former mythological shepherd named by the peoples of Italy of Recaranus or Garanus, and who is famous for his physical strength and bravery. While the myth of Hercules embodied much of the iconography and the very mythology of the Greek character, it also had some characteristics and legends that were markedly Roman.




Hercules was born of the union between Alcmene and Jupiter. However, Jupiter was married to Juno who for a long time showed antipathy to the bastard son.

So Juno tries to kill him with a snake even when he was little. However, still in the cradle and very fearless since childhood, the hero strangled the snakes. And still saved the life of his brother Íficles.

Later, Hercules married Megara, daughter of Creonte, and with her had several children.

They lived happily for a while. However Juno still dissatisfied with the life of her husband's bastard, decides to cast a spell on him.

It was so that during one day he went mad and ended up killing all his sons and his wife. During his madness he saw his sons and Megara as enemies in battle.

When he returns to sanity, the goddess Minerva tells him what happened. Since then, Hercules has become a passer-by. He wanders through the streets of Greece, until one day he finds an oracle.

The oracle tells the hero that he would have to meet Eristeu, king of Mycenae and Tirynus, cousin of Hercules. Thus, in finding his cousin, he informs her that Hercules would have to perform "twelve jobs" so that his guilt would be redeemed.

After completing the work, Hercules was forced to marry Omphale, Queen of Lydia. This is because he was punished in Delphi for having killed his friend Ifitus.

After the event, he was sentenced to three years of slavery and, at that time, was sold by Mercury to Omphale.

When she was granted freedom, Hercules went to Dejanira, daughter of the king of Calidon. He had promised the Greek hero Meleagro, her brother, that he would marry his sister.

However, when he found her she was already betrothed to Aquelóo, son of the Ocean and of Tethys. Certain that he would keep his promise, Hercules fought against Aaron and won the fight. So he married Dejanira.


Os Doze Trabalhos de Hércules


Por ter assassinado sua esposa e seus filhos, Hércules recebeu doze difíceis tarefas:

1 - Matar o terrível e monstruoso leão de Neméia.

2 - Matar a hidra de Lema, uma serpente gigantesca com várias cabeças. Elas renasciam assim que eram cortadas. Para tanto, a cabeça do meio era imortal.

3 - Capturar a bela corça de chifres de ouro da deusa da caça, Diana, e levá-la para Eristeu. A corça andava solta pelos bosques.

4 - Capturar o monstruoso e feroz javali de Erimanto e levá-lo até Eristeu.

5 - Limpar as estrebarias de Áugias, o dono de um imenso rebanho. Esse local nunca havia sido limpo e, portanto, estava cheio de estrume de animais.

6 - Exterminar as aves mortíferas que assolavam o lago Estínfale. Essas aves eram negras e tinham asas, cabeças e bicos de ferro. Habitavam um pântano cheio de espinhos.

7 - Entregar para a filha de Eristeu o cinto e o véu de Hipólita, a rainha das amazonas. Marte, o deus da guerra, ofereceu a Hipólita esses objetos em reconhecimento de sua bravura nos combates.

8 - Capturar os quatro belos cavalos de Diomedes, filho de Marte e rei da Trácia, os quais soltavam fogo pelas ventas e se alimentavam de carne humana.

9 - Roubar os bois de cor de sangue do gigante de três corpos Gerião e entregá-los a Eristeu.

10 - Domar a fera sanguinária e o temível touro de Creta.

11 - Entregar a Eristeu as valiosas maçãs de ouro do Jardim das Hespérides. Junto a essa árvore estava um imenso dragão, que guardava os frutos.

12 - Alcançar o inferno (reino das sombras) e trazer para Eristeu o cão infernal de três cabeças, Cérbero. Para realizar essa última tarefa Hércules teve como guias a deusa Minerva e o deus Mercúrio.





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