


Card 150

Battle Area:

  1. Water = 10
  2. Earth = 10
  3. Heaven = 10

Attack and Defense

  1. Wisdom = 10
  2. Dexterity and Strength = 10
  3. Powers = 10

  4. Fire = 10



NUC Cards is a board game. With trays representing the opponents' lands and the battlefield.
The characters exist timelessly. In one era, historical, mythological and literary characters meet in this game.
An epic oxygen game of great kings, notable warriors, heroes and anti-heroes, mighty magicians and gods between creatures and beings ...
Sign up and get access to rules details and more cards.




Aging is the super-accelerating power of cell life.

Under this spell, grow old quickly and lose all vigor, being easily slaughtered ...

  • With this power is possible: human, being, animal or animal.

Aging is a power recorded in the parchments of matter.

Note: Gods and Titans are immune to this power.



NUC Cards ® 2019
Reasoning and strategy.
An advanced game of underground strategy in generation.

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