
Puppy of Hydra

Creatures - Hydra


 Card 407 

Value = 60 gold coins.



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Puppy of Hydra

Creatures - Hydra

The hydra is an animal of the Greek mythology with several serpent heads, being one of them immortal, and body of dragon. It was created by Juno and was one of the twelve works of Hercules. It was known as "Hydra de Lerna". His blood as well as his breath was venomous. If their heads were cut off, they would be born again.

The Hydra of Lerna (in Ancient Greek: Ὕδρα), was the hydra better known in Greek mythology, was a monster, son of Typhon and Equidna, that inhabited a swamp next to the lake of Lerna, in Argólida, today that would be equivalent to the coast east of the Peloponnese region. The Hydra had a dragon's body and several serpent heads. According to legend, the heads of the Hydra could regenerate; some versions say that when one head was cut, two grew in their place, but early versions of the legend did not include this feature.

The Hydra was so poisonous that it killed men only with its breath and ate them; if someone came close to her while she was asleep, just from smelling her trail the person was already dying in terrible torment.





NUC Cards ® 2019
Reasoning and strategy.
An advanced game of underground strategy in generation.